Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
The Friends of the Mississauga Library System (“the Friends”) is a voluntary, charitable corporation which has been established for the following purposes:
- To support the extension and improvement of the services and resources of the Library;
- To support library-related educational and training opportunities;
- To encourage the use of the Library’s services and facilities by all members of the community;
- To encourage and support literacy in the community; and
- To undertake activities which afford the membership opportunities to broaden their knowledge.
The Friends may undertake all manner of lawful activities to raise funds or to obtain materials in support of the activities listed above. The Friends shall be carried on without the purpose of gain for its members.
Members, including members of the Executive Board of the Friends, are expected to adhere to the following Code of Conduct when working on behalf of the Friends:
- Respect the confidentiality and privacy of information received in the course of meetings and activities, including personal information
- Ensure information gained as an Executive Board member is only applied to proper purposes
- Not disclose official information or documents acquired through membership of the Executive Board, other than as required by law or where agreed by decision of the Board
- Not make improper use of their position as Executive Board members to gain advantage for themselves or for any other person
- Act in a manner that is consistent with existing laws and regulations
- Act ethically, with honesty and integrity, in the best interests of the Friends at all times
- Act in a financially responsible manner
- Exercise due care, diligence, and skill
- Treat colleagues with respect, courtesy, honesty, and fairness, and have proper regard for their interests, rights, safety and welfare
- Not harass, bully, or discriminate against colleagues
- Encourage feedback from the membership
- Declare potential conflicts of interest, and refrain from discussion and voting when applicable
- Not speak on behalf of the Friends, unless designated by the Executive Board
- Implement the formal decisions of the Executive Board made in its meetings
- Consult the President on any questions regarding the Code of Conduct
- Understand that breaches of this Code may result in disciplinary action, up to and including suspension of membership

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